
Ultimate Happiness

For the longest time I have missed the point, when I first came to know God, I thought all my problems would disappear. I thought it was the beginning of a problem free life, a life of abundance and ease; and after a couple of years, I learned that life would not unfold as I anticipated.

I have had moments that made me question the foundation of my faith, seasons when I tried to do all I could imagine – getting God to change a situation and nothing worked. I’ve battled with trusting that God is in control and has a bigger plan for my life.

Now I am all for living out my best life, Glorifying God and moving mountains but I had to learn something before I could move mounts, I had to learn not to associate my happiness to situations (now hear me out, I’m not saying that we should embrace suffering and make our bed in misery but our circumstances should not be the source of our happiness).

On the 30th of December 2019 I sat on the floor in my room to write down all my goals and desires for the year 2020 and right jotting them down, God spoke to me through a scripture in Mathew 6:19-20: ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal’. God made it clear to me that I had to focus my attention on the treasures above, my salvation, my walk with Him instead of chasing after material things. The Holy Spirt made it clear that I had to detach my heart from material things and give it to Him instead (where it would be in safe hands, free from disappointment).

To be honest I was eager to put it all into practice even though I did not completely understand the depth of that scripture. Over time I gradually forgot about it and went about my business. Months later, after a few blows and fails; the Holy Spirit reminded me about the scripture and gave me a complementing scripture form the book of Genesis 15:1.

In the chapter God spoke to Abram in a vision saying “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, you exceedingly great reward.” Now that summed it all up for me, If you know a bit about Abraham you will know that he had wealth but lacked a son and if you do some research you will learn how important it was to have an heir in his time. Being childless was a big deal, this was Abram’s greatest desire! When God spoke to him in a vision, God knew that Abram needed a son but still said to Abram ‘I am your exceedingly great reward’. Mind blowing, huh?

What does it mean? It means that as much as our needs are important and urgent, God is our ‘exceedingly great reward’ He alone can satisfy us, not a job, not a husband/wife, not money, absolutely nothing in this world can fill the void meant for Him. If all these things could bring ultimate happiness and fulfillment then rich folks would not commit suicide. Greed would not be part of human nature – we’d be satisfied after receiving long-awaited blessings. But even after conquering these desires, we still find something else that we ‘need’, and the chase and urgency continues. This is proof that our souls are looking to be filled and quenched by God. God was telling Abram that a son would not fulfill him – only God was enough and able to quench his thirst and strong desire to be happy and whole.

To be continued…


God is immeasurable

We need to learn not to attach situations to God, in a sense that we somehow figure out that outcomes do not determine who God is. Whether good or bad a situation or an outcome or a response or a reaction, God should not be measured by what we face, what we experience or encounter in life.

If we lean to separate the two, God will not be measurable. We won’t get mad at God when we face the unpleasant, the unfortunate and terrible unexpected news. Then the devil loses his hold on us.

I pray that we learn not to put God on a scale. There’s something God always reminds me of in the Bible when I wonder about a certain setback or loss. I remember reading a verse about the time Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego were threatened to be thrown in the fire. They knew God and walked so close with Him that they knew not to measure Him through situations. Their response to the threat was; we know our God will deliver us from this situation but even if he does not deliver us from the fire, we won’t bow down.

Above many things it said to me that it does not matter how God responds to what we’re facing, we won’t be shaken because He does not save us from this fire, they trusted God and chose to hold onto what they knew about Him. That He is God and that was enough. How He saved, delivered, responded to them was not an issue and they were not going to allow that to affect how they perceived God.

I pray we learn not to measure God through what we face but to trust, serve and Love Him despite of He’s response, His answer or His reaction.




What is that one thing that you desire to have, that one thing you believe will make you feel accomplished, adequate and maybe even content?

Well it’s different things for all of us. To anyone unemployed, the idea is that if they get a job they’ll be able to afford certain things (associated with a specific lifestyle or class) and finally they’ll have a sense of independence, fulfillment and accomplishment. They’ll even feel confident around certain individuals.

Anyone who is single, thinks that if they can only find love, they’ll be happier. If she can find a guy who will love and take care of her. Someone she’ll marry and spend her life with, then she’ll be fulfilled. 

And we all feel inadequate when we lack either or another. We feel as though we’re not good enough or that we’re incomplete. We tend to allow all these material things, social classes and political issues to define our sense of value but it is surprising how even when we’ve accomplished or achieved one of these, we quickly seek after the next on our list.

The struggle of feeling inadequate, insufficient is somewhat the root of greed and the love of money. The urge for more is beyond us.

My our sense of worth not be derived from what or who we have. But may we find our worth in Christ.  is that one thing that you desire to have, that one thing you believe will make you feel accomplished, adequate and maybe even content?

Well it’s different things for all of us. To anyone unemployed, the idea is that if they get a job they’ll be able to afford certain things (associated with a specific lifestyle or class) and finally they’ll have a sense of independence, fulfillment and accomplishment. They’ll even feel confident around certain individuals.

Anyone who is single, thinks that if they can only find love, they’ll be happier. If she can find a guy who will love and take care of her. Someone she’ll marry and spend her life with, then she’ll be fulfilled.

And we all feel inadequate when we lack either or another. We feel as though we’re not good enough or that we’re incomplete. We tend to allow all these material things, social classes and political issues to define our sense of value but it is surprising how even when we’ve accomplished or achieved one of these, we quickly seek after the next on our list.

The struggle of feeling inadequate, insufficient is somewhat the root of greed and the love of money. The urge for more is beyond us.

May our sense of worth not be derived from what or who we have. But may we find our worth in Christ.


Get to know me

Welcome to my site!

I have been putting off this project and God has been insisting that I run with it, I am told there’s an audience that would love to hear my voice and could possibly learn a thing or two, therefore I have decided to embark on this journey and see what will unfold.

This is the beginning of our journey together, I will share nuggets about my life and hopefully we can have an interaction of some sort, perhaps in the comment section or via email. Now, I am yet to organize a new email address that we can use for questions, advice and anything in between as my current emails are swamped with other projects.

So, I am a young lady (depending on what young means to you), I live in Pretoria, South Africa; I love movies and popcorn. On a more serious note, I will be blogging about life, love and God!

As some of you know, I have written a few blog posts here and there, which are scattered on different sites but this is my residence until further notice.

To inspiration, giggles and life lessons!
