
Get to know me

Welcome to my site!

I have been putting off this project and God has been insisting that I run with it, I am told there’s an audience that would love to hear my voice and could possibly learn a thing or two, therefore I have decided to embark on this journey and see what will unfold.

This is the beginning of our journey together, I will share nuggets about my life and hopefully we can have an interaction of some sort, perhaps in the comment section or via email. Now, I am yet to organize a new email address that we can use for questions, advice and anything in between as my current emails are swamped with other projects.

So, I am a young lady (depending on what young means to you), I live in Pretoria, South Africa; I love movies and popcorn. On a more serious note, I will be blogging about life, love and God!

As some of you know, I have written a few blog posts here and there, which are scattered on different sites but this is my residence until further notice.

To inspiration, giggles and life lessons!


By Keitumetse Ngobeni

We are so used to defining ourselves using titles and educational backgrounds but who are we beyond fancy job titles and social statuses?

With that being said, I prefer such an introduction: I am outgoing with a great sense of humor. I am learning not to associate my worth to material things, and live independent of people's opinions. I love chocolate, movies and enjoy picnics.

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